Friday, 30 October 2015

Love Song For Bacon (Write 31 Days, Day 30)

Today's word for Write 31 Days and Five Minute Friday is THE BEST! Seriously, what on earth could be better than bacon?! Am I right?! So, today, you get my "Love Song For Bacon". I hope you enjoy! :)

Love Song For Bacon

Sizzling over the fire
or on an electric stove
It’s music to my ears
from your fragrance
I will never rove.

Your bubbly copper colour
like gold mined fresh this morn’
it tempts with scented ecstasy
beyond all scorn.

Aroma fills the home
wafting through the air
calls to all from corners far
time to partake
from your addicting fare

The breakfast table is incomplete
whenever your presence is missed
but come again for lunch
or sup’
and the chef? he shall be kissed!


  1. This FMF party has really made me feel hungry. I love that love song! :D

    1. I know, right?! After this post I wanted to go fry a big pan full of bacon! But it was late so I didn't. :)
