Saturday, 31 October 2015

Almost (Write 31 Days, Day 31)

This is it! I made it! This is the last day of Write 31 Days 2015! What a great month it has been! I'm so proud of myself, and all the other writers who stuck with it to the end and accomplished their goals! :)

Today's word is "almost".


Almost is a word that, I think, often has negative connotations. Like “almost isn’t good enough”. You know? But I like to look at it more positively. I almost didn’t sign up for this Write 31 Days challenge … but I did! I almost didn’t complete this challenge … but I did (this last post is proof)! I almost didn’t stick with my new workout routines … but I’m going strong (with adaptations when my body is uncooperative). I almost slept in … but I kicked my butt out of bed and did what had to be done. I almost gave up on watching what I eat … but I didn’t. I’m still focussing on healthy eating.

And what about other things: you can almost ruin a friendship if you don’t bite your tongue, but, checking your words and actions, you build a friendship instead. You can almost make poor choices, but wisdom can keep you from folly.

And sometimes we need help: The young girl suffering from severe depression – she might almost commit suicide but a person who comes along side her at the right time can prevent tragedy and provide hope.

Sometimes almost is the best thing for turning lives around!

So maybe almost is “good enough”.

Picture credit:

Friday, 30 October 2015

Love Song For Bacon (Write 31 Days, Day 30)

Today's word for Write 31 Days and Five Minute Friday is THE BEST! Seriously, what on earth could be better than bacon?! Am I right?! So, today, you get my "Love Song For Bacon". I hope you enjoy! :)

Love Song For Bacon

Sizzling over the fire
or on an electric stove
It’s music to my ears
from your fragrance
I will never rove.

Your bubbly copper colour
like gold mined fresh this morn’
it tempts with scented ecstasy
beyond all scorn.

Aroma fills the home
wafting through the air
calls to all from corners far
time to partake
from your addicting fare

The breakfast table is incomplete
whenever your presence is missed
but come again for lunch
or sup’
and the chef? he shall be kissed!

My Prairie (Write 31 Days, Day 29)

Today's word is "sea". Most would probably think of the ocean when they see this word. Me? I think of my prairie. :) Specifically the chinook filled, Southern Alberta prairie. :)

Seas of gold unbroken
but for an occasional tree,
haven for the creatures 
of the heavens and the earth.

Wind, child of the skies,
laughing, singing, crying,
a constant game
of hide-and-seek.

Snow, cold, bold, bright,
hard and angry
a sheep in wolf's clothing
a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Wind frightens snow away
but not for long
it never learns,
keeps coming back.

Sun, warming, caressing,
like a mother to the skies and land
limits conflict, 
brings new life;

Sun, searching, eager
dries the land
burns it's creatures;
sorrowful, hides.

Comes Rain, cool, refreshing,
like a father to the land and skies,
provider, supporter,
helps new life grow.

Seas of gold unbroken
but for an occasional tree.

Hope (Write 31 Days, Day 28)

The word for this day is hope. And I've been really struggling with this one, trying to find the right words, or any words. I wanted my writing to be hope filled. But it just won't come. Instead, I stumbled across this poem I wrote some time ago where hope had seemed to disappeared. Thought I would share it here for this day of Write 31 Days.

I hear the silence and I despair
Where are the words that once came so freely?
Where is the peace that poured out of desperation?
Is there no need? Have I found a new source?
Where is the relief? The tears? The laughter?
When will I speak again?
I am muted by overload of thoughts.
Mouth opens, no sound can be heard.
Stutter, pen can’t move.
Where is the hope? The joy? The peace?
Why won’t it pour out of me?

When will the silence end?

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Perhaps (Write 31 Days, Day 27 & a giveaway)

I'm caught up again! Today's word is "perhaps".  You get a poem. Don't forget to enter the ongoing giveaway from down below at the end of the post!

Perhaps you’re right
perhaps I’m wrong
perhaps this has
gone on too long

Perhaps I love you
perhaps I don’t
perhaps you’ve hurt me
more than you’ve known

Perhaps I’m sorry
perhaps you are too
perhaps I’ll see you
out of the blue

Perhaps you’ll smile
perhaps I’ll frown
perhaps this whole thing’s
turned upside down

Perhaps you’re wrong
perhaps I’m right
perhaps we can end

this foolish fight

Photo Credit: is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Whisper (Write 31 Days, Day 26 & a Giveaway)

“I love you”, she whispers,
but shouts “one more hug!
She giggles and hides in her sheets.
“It’s camouflage,” she says as she burrows in,
I tell her she must be a bug.

No!” she laughs “Guess again!” she demands.
“A strawberry? A Tree? A pile of dirt?
A rock or a rabbit all snug in a rug?
A tree or maybe a bear?”
A tickling hand finds her, laughter erupts!
“It’s Annalise, my dear little squirt!” is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Crash (Write 31 Days, Day 25 & a Giveaway)

This post, for Write 31 Days, is a continuation of the short story that started with the word "ready" and "silence". Today's word is "crash" and seems to fit so well with where my story has been going. :) I hope you enjoy.


She woke with a start! What was that sound? Did someone break into their house? Why didn’t her husband wake? How could he sleep through a sound like that?! Breathing heavily, heart pounding, she gently touches him and feels his breathing, slow, steady. Good. Still alive. But what was that noise? She forces herself to listen but hears nothing. Slowly it dawns on her. It was her dream. The one that keeps returning ever since that fateful day a year and a half ago. The day that changed her life forever.

She and Beth had been driving down Main Street on their way to a downtown concert. They were going to meet Faith there. There they were laughing at each other’s stories, told about the day they’d had. She kept her eyes on the road – glancing at Beth every so often as they shared their stories. Looking ahead she saw her light was green, glancing around the intersection confirmed opposing traffic had stopped so she continued on their route. But, suddenly, CRASH!! Out of nowhere, the witnesses had said. The truck was flying down Anderson Way ran the light and t-boned Alicia’s car. Air bags went off, glass shattered, metal bent in ways it just shouldn’t. Pain. That’s all she remembered. Excruciating pain. Somehow, Beth was saved from serious injury – scratches and a sprain – easy to recover from. But Alicia? Her life was never going to be the same. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Silence (Write 31 Days, Day 24 & a giveaway)

This is a continuation of the story I started on the 10th with the word "ready". It is all a work of fiction - written in 5 minutes without any editing. Today's (October 24th) word is "silence".  You can find the beginning of the story here.

They sat us at the same table. Why would they do that? Is this some sort of ploy to get us talking?! I wish we could. But the silence stretches out. It’s beyond the awkward and uncomfortable stage. It’s terrifying, hanging thick around us. Even the other guests at the table notice and shift uneasily in their seats until, finally, one by one they get up and leave, finding other tables to sit at and visit with guests who are actually talking. Some join the couples on the dance floor. And there we sit, Alicia and I, silence growing agonizingly deeper by the moment. Someone needs to break it, cut through it. Who will be the first to speak.

“I’m sorry …”, I whisper.

“It’s not …”, she starts at the same time, then stops abruptly.

I continue.

“Alicia, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what happened and I’m sorry that your life has been such a struggle since! I wish it had been me. I wish I could have spared you that pain! I wish things were different. But I can’t wish away my family. I love them! I’m sorry!”

She stares at me, tears glistening behind her eyes and I see the hardened mask begin to break.

“Oh, Beth”, she starts, sighing, “it’s not your fault. I know it’s not. We all do. I’ve just been … well, hurt, angry. I took it out on you. They’ve never been able to find the driver of that truck. They found his truck – abandoned a few miles from the scene … but didn’t find the driver. I hope he suffers for what he’s done. But why have I made you suffer?! Don’t be sorry for the way your life turned out – enjoy those blessings! I’m sorry I was so, well, selfish. Can we start over? I’d love to meet your family!”

My face broke into a smile. “Yes” was all I could say as relief washed over me. I leaned over and gave her a hug, holding her, trying to give her all the love and reassurance I could. We laughed tentatively. Smiled again. Silence fell upon us once more, this time peaceful, hopeful.

It was going to be ok. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Friday, 23 October 2015

Joy (Write 31 Days, Day 23 & a Giveaway)

Today's word is joy and I keep on trying to come up with something original to write but my mind keeps on returning to the post I wrote on this word back in March 2014 when it was the word for Five Minute Friday hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker.  So, I'm just going to repeat it here today. Apparently it's what I'm supposed to do today. :)

Joy Comes With the Mourning

Psalm 30:5b (ESV) – Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

I’ve been thinking a lot about joy these days. It seems joy always comes to mind when I’m thinking/reading about the gospel, about glorying in the cross of Christ. Of course, that’s because, for Christians, the cross brings joy. And we are commanded to be joyful. Now, that makes people confused. Does that mean we have to be happy all the time? To this I say, “No!” I believe that Christian joy is not equated with happiness. It is unrealistic to think that, in this fallen world, we can be happy all the time. But, can we be filled with joy all the time? Yes! Because Christian joy is very much related to the hope we have in Christ, to our faith in God. Today, when I saw the word joy, do you know what the first thing that came to my mind was? It was the night I received a phone call from my brother telling me my mom passed away. Was I happy? Of course not! I was heart broken! I wept! BUT, I also had joy! I turned to God’s word and was brought to the verse from Revelation: “… ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’”  … THAT is joy! Oh, I was mourning (as were we all). The funeral was hard. We were all sad! BUT, there was joy! Because we could glory in the cross and be comforted knowing Mom believed - and, oh how passionately she believed! We could have joy because we knew that her suffering had ended, that she was in the presence of God living in eternal joy! So, when I saw the word joy today another verse jumped out at me from Psalm 30 “… joy comes with the morning.” This refers to the start of a new day that brings joy. And it does! But, I played with the words a bit … for us, with Mom passing away, joy came with the mourning. In our sadness we could still find joy! 

And then I added this post-scripts to my post: Another thought:  I know these posts are supposed to be unedited but ... I remembered something I wanted to add but apparently forgot when Annalise interrupted my thoughts to ask how to draw Hawkeye. :) I wanted to write about the other thought (more an image actually) that came to my mind after I heard the news about my mom passing away. She had been wheelchair bound the last few years of her life as she didn't really have the strength anymore to walk - rheumatoid arthritis had taken it's toll on her. BUT, the image that came to mind was joy filled. It was an image of my mom in a beautiful green meadow ... and she was running, running with joy, just because she could. :) THAT is joy! is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Value (Write 31 Days, Day 22)

A little bit behind and feeling rush. As a result, this is far from my best work and it's frustrating me. But it's done. Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it. Tomorrow can bring better writing.


Whatever you value is what you worship. If you value riches and financial security, the tendency is to worship money (value money beyond it’s worth). If you value appearance, you’re going to do everything possible to make yourself look good, beyond what is beneficial. You worship self.  When we value these things beyond their worth, beyond what is beneficial, beyond what is useful, we are left unsatisfied. We constantly look for something to fill a void in our lives. Being unsatisfied in life is hard! I’ve seen a life where value is placed on the wrong things to be one filled with stress, anger, hurt, sometimes even hatred. But a life where what we value most is Christ and His kingdom? That’s a life of joy! Not an easy life by any means, but a joy filled life, a content life, a good life.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Serenity (Write 31 Days, Day 21)

Day 21's word is "wave". But, as you can see, that's not the title of my writing today. :) Have no fear, I still did write around the word wave. :) Don't forget to checkout the giveaway at the bottom of the post! :)


Waves roll in
kiss the shore
tickle our feet
recede once more.

In undulating peace,
constant, faithful,
returning to shore,
gentle, playful.

Its blues and its greens,
its consistent rush,
unbroken swell,
its tranquil hush. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Government is Temporary (Write 31 Days, Day 20 ... & a Giveaway)


We in Canada have just come through another federal election. Most Christians were, rightfully, concerned at the prospect of a Liberal or NDP government. Unfortunately the results that came in last night showed that the majority of our fellow Canadians thought otherwise and the Liberal party now has a majority government in our great land.  It’s rather frightening to think that this party will be leading our nation and making decisions that affect ALL of us. I’ve been thinking about what to say about this and today’s word was perfect. Temporary. This government is temporary. This whole world is temporary! The Liberals will be in power for the next 4 years. We do not know what will happen after that, though we can pray for the best. But beyond that 4 years, their power is temporary. Even within the 4 years. God holds all things in His hands. Nothing happens apart from His plans. We are still called, commanded, to honour this government, to obey as far as we can (in accordance with God’s will). We can live in fear. Or we can live in trust. Trust that God is in control and even this will come to an end. We need to remember that God only does what is good for His church. And for that reason, we can trust that this government is good for the church. Yes, it may bring varying forms of persecution on the Christian church in Canada, but it will be for our good – it will GROW the church! It will only make the body of Christ stronger!

And rather than living in fear for these next 4 years (talk about STRESS!!), why don’t we pray for our government? I don’t mean pray that they do what’s right or pray that they make wise and godly decisions, though that is also a good prayer. But how can we expect them to make wise and godly decisions and to do what’s right if they aren’t save?! My husband does a good job of reminding me of this! :) So, for the next 4 years, let’s pray for the salvation of our leaders! Pray that they turn from their wicked ways and seek Christ! 4 years is temporary, salvation is for eternity. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Honour (Write 31 Days, Day 19 & an Ongoing Giveaway)

Honour. Something we are to attain. Something we covet. We want to be honoured. We want to be honourable. Two different things I think. Being honourable has humility combined (and humility is a large part of that honour). But a desire to be honoured is an indication of pride.  In reading British literature, you see great importance placed on honour (apparently Americans and Canadians care more about winning than being honourable). J In some British literature, you see this strong sense of honour being mocked. It seems this honour is tied directly to the sense of duty. To be honourable is to fulfil your duty to the very end. In fact, I think sometime honour and duty are interchanged. Take, for example, this excerpt from Shakespeare’s King Henry IV, Part 1, Act 5, Scene 1:

Hal, if thou see me down in the battle and bestride me, so; ‘tis a point of friendship.

Nothing but a colossus can do thee that friendship.
Say thy prayers, and farewell.

I would ‘twere bedtime, Hal, and all well.

Why, thou owest God a death.
                                    Exit PRINCE HENRY

‘Tis not due yet. I would be loath to pay Him before His day. What need I be so forward with Him that calls not on me? Well, ‘tis no matter. Honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? How then? Can honour set to a leg? No. Or and arm? No. Or take away the grief of a wound? No. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? No. What is honour? A word. What is in that word “honour”? what is that “honour”? Air. A trim reckoning. Who hath it? He that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? No. Doth he hear it? No. ‘Tis insensible, then? Yea. to the dead. But will it not live with the living? No. Why? Detraction will not suffer it. Therefore, I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon. And so ends my catechism.

So we see Falstaff having a conversation with himself after being given an implied order from Prince Henry. Honour (and duty) will spur him on he says, but  what if honour changes it’s mind and spurs him off? Then he would end up dead! So he wonders what the point of honour is. It has no practical use. And you loose it when you die (you don’t have honour when you’re dead). And, he claims, you can’t have honour when you live either because “detraction will not suffer it”, meaning, basically, slander will not allow it. Slander ruins a man’s reputation and removes all honour from him.  To some degree, I agree. If you were once a person of honour and people slander you, you loose that honour in the eyes of many and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to gain that honour back. No matter how much you try! So, what then, do we say with Falstaff “I’ll have none of it”? No. Honour is still important. If not in the eyes of man, then in the eyes of God.  So we live lives of honour and so glorify Him in all we do. No matter what the world says! is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Monday, 19 October 2015

God-Worth (Write 31 Days, Day 18 & An Ongoing Giveaway)


Seems this world measures worth by things that are fickle and fleeting: richness, beauty, physique, the size of your house, the size (or apparent size?) of your bank account.  Leads to so much competition and frustrating and depression! A mom’s worth is measured even worse: way you feed your babies, way you put your babies to sleep, how big your pinterest boards are, how clean your house is, baking daily with kdis, putting kids in all sorts of activities. How can anyone keep up with that?! And why do we try to find our worth in what the world says is good?

In God our worth is great! God sees our worth for what it really is – enough to die for! He looks at us and sees us created in His image. That alone gives us worth.! He loves us so much He sent His son to die for us! How can anything compare to that?!

So in this world that wants us to measure our self-worth but unattainable standards, I say, do away with the horrid concept of self-worth! I’m going with God-worth! And to Him, I’m worth His life! is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

What Can I Offer? (Write 31 Days, Day 17 & A Giveaway)

A couple days behind again, it was a busy weekend! Today's word (for Day 17) is offer. I had some words come to mind (the first two stanzas of the poem) and I felt they were strong. But then my mind drew a blank and it kind of fell apart as the poem progressed. So this is definitely a poem I want to work on more when this challenge is done! I think it has potential! :)  Remember to check the end of the post for the Write 31 Days giveaway! :)

What Can I Offer?

What can I offer?
What can I bring?
Without you I have nothing.

I offer my worship,
though it misses the mark,
Will you accept it?
It comes from my heart.

Your offering was much more,
so beyond my capabilities.
Your life for mine
so I could be saved.
What more could I offer
than all that I am?

So, fragile and frail
as my life now might be,
sinful and callous,
(sanctify me!),
I offer my worship,
I offer my thanks,
I offer my life,
I offer me. is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Friday, 16 October 2015

If It's Good It's Green (Write 31 Days - Day 16 ... & A Giveaway!!)

This is it! Day 16! I'm caught up! Today is also a Five Minute Friday day! Join the other FMF bloggers over at Kate's site! :) Today's word is "green".

“I get to write about ‘green’ today”, I announce. “You know what that reminds me of?” asks my husband, “that Bruce Willis movie – The Fifth Element. That was one of the ideas. ‘If it’s good it’s green.’ Green meant things were good.“ (Good or understood, if you take a look at some of the quotes.)

Hmm, “If it’s good it’s green”. There’s some food for thought! Is green good? We see green in Spring – fresh, new. That’s good! Beautiful even! Green can be very good! But then, where else do we see green? We pull out a loaf bread and see something green on it … mould!!! Mould is NOT good. But it’s green! You see someone’s success, or new possession. You want it for yourself. Your desire consumes you. Green with envy, it’s called. Another rgreen that’s not good! What about the Hulk? When he gets crazy angry, he turns big and green! Green is not so good. How about this one: “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” You all know what that means – we thing we want something different, what our neighbours have, but when we get it we see it doesn’t satisfy and we’re left disappointed. That’s another negative green. Methinks the “if it’s good it’s green” theory doesn’t pan out.

Unless it’s Spring. :)

Don't forget to enter the DaySpring giveaway! :) is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

The Way She Laughs (Write 31 Days - Day 15 & A Giveaway!)

October 15's word is "Laugh". Still a day behind - I will catch up! :)

The Way She Laughs

It started with an adjustment at the chiropractor, her first laugh. Deep, from the belly … pure joy. A beautiful sound that brought smiles to everyone who heard. Faces that were grim, turned happy, just from the sound of her very first laugh. She crinkles her nose and snorts. That’s her “I’m going to make you laugh with me” laugh; her “let’s play a game” laugh. It makes me laugh! When I kiss her, she giggles. When I tickle her, her laugh consumes her body. She wriggles and writhes in pleasure at the gentle tickles across her belly and around her neck. Kiss her chin or by her shoulder, pretend to “eat” her and she laughs and tilts her head, trying to push you away but pull you close at the same time.  The way she laughs brings joy. One was lost before her but if that had not been lost, I wouldn’t have her. I wouldn’t hear her giggles. I wouldn’t know the way she laughs. Her laughter blesses.

And something special for my readers: is celebrating all of the amazing Write 31 Days readers who are supporting nearly 2,000 writers this October! To enter to win a $500 DaySpring shopping spree, just click on this link & follow the giveaway widget instructions. Good luck, and thanks for reading!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Fly (Write 31 Days - Day 14)


These legs hold me to the ground
but I just want to fly
This life, it’s weighing me down
                  but I just want to fly.

My arms reach up
         reach out
                  stretch far
                           tip toes
                                    I try

Let me fly!
Let me feel wind through my hair
         caressing my skin.
Let me smell sweet breezes
         and soar through the blue
                  without a care.

This life, it’s weighing me down
                  I just want to fly.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Patience (Write 31 Days - Day 13)

Still a day behind, but I'll catch up! :)


Patience. A virtue, one we usually associate with how we act towards other people. But is that all patience concerns? An artist paints a picture. That requires patience. A painting rushed misses the heart that goes into it and ends up drab, boring, ugly. A musician composing a masterpiece. Patience! The melodies and harmonies need to be just right to give the perfect sound, to convey the emotion of the composer, the story she wants to tell. A writer, needs patience to find the words to give the message he needs to present. Five minutes of free writing? That takes a different kind of patience. Being willing to acknowledge that the words won’t be exactly as you would have planned. They won’t be “perfect”. Patience with your own weaknesses, your own faults. Get the words out – that’s all that matters. And then more patience later so that the words can be refined.