Friday, 4 April 2014

Five-Minute Friday: I Am A Writer

Once again I’m joining with other women on Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog for Five Minute Friday. In this activity we simply write for 5 minutes without editing about a word that Lisa-Jo has chosen for us. Then we link up to her blog and share our writing with everyone else. It is a great activity to practice writing (and I find it makes me better at organizing my thought process).  Some Fridays it’s more challenging than others but it is always rewarding … and cathartic! :) Today’s word is writer


I Am A Writer

There are days when I think to myself, “I love writing. How I wish I could become a writer!” It gets me down as I think how incapable I am to be a writer. But then I need to stop and think. I AM a writer! I write lists, I write poetry, I write letters and I journal. Honestly, with the things I journal about, if I just took the time to flesh it out a bit, I could probably write some books. Speaking of which, I HAVE written books – a couple children’s books. I need courage to send them off to see if I can get them published – show the world that I’m a writer too! :) Some weeks, the only time I get to write is this 5-minute Friday time. Some weeks I write everyday as I write in my journal. I also write out my prayers. This helps me communicate my thoughts, my praises, my sorrows, my desires in a way that makes sense to me (obviously I don’t need it to make sense to God as He knows our deepest thoughts and makes sense of it long before we do). 

Being a writer is a gift. This does not need to be a gift to share with the world. Maybe it’s something I do for myself (for the catharsis … like the poetry I write) or something I do for my kids (like the Creation story book I wrote … something to teach them with).

I love to write. I love to see my thoughts be come words, sentences, paragraphs. I long for more time, more quiet that I can just sit and write. I have to sneak in those moments throughout my days. Some days, like today, my girls join me and that is a beautiful moment.


Argh! Why does the timer always beep mid-thought?! :)

Once again my 3.5 year old decided to join in Five-Minute Friday with me. When I told her the word was "Writer" she insisted on writing as well. And, oh my goodness, I'm floored by how well she sounded out the names of our family and wrote them. No, they are not perfectly spelled, but she seriously sounded them out and wrote them the best she could! And her spelling makes so much sense! :) Just look for yourselves! :) (I wrote in green the names she was spelling.)

Is it ok that I'm totally proud of her? :) Did you know 3.5 year olds can write and sound words out this well??

Of course, since it took less than 5 minutes to write those names, so she had to draw a picture of her and her sister (Emilie) playing with a couple of their cousins (Nadia and Rebecca). :)

Annalise has gotten so into this, she now insists on her own blog. Her first ever blog post can be found here: :)

Five Minute Friday


  1. You should be completely proud of them! It looks like you aren't the only writer in the family. Thank you for sharing this writing gift with the world. We need your words and your story!

  2. I love the way you are encouraging your daughter to write and draw and have left her a comment. I'd say the same you as well, keep on enjoying your writing.
    From FMF Carolyn

  3. Writing out prayers - yes! It *does* help order my scrambled thoughts - thank God He knows what I'm thinking, because sometimes I even don't! (And you should totally see about getting those children's books published :))

    1. Thanks for your comment! :) More and more people tell me to get my books published. I just need to figure out how. For one of them I did the writing and illustrating which makes it more difficult as publishers tend to find their own illustrators. But in that case I did the illustrations before the story. :)
