Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Super-mom AKA Proverbs 31 wife (or as a new favourite author calls her, "Martha 31"). The mom/wife that can do everything and still be strong. Realistic? I don't think so. I've been obsessed with Martha 31 lately. Mostly because I have an intense, urgent desire to be a great wife and mom. Thankfully, through my reading (and talking with my DH), I'm realizing that what makes Martha 31 so perfect isn't that she can (and does) do everything, but that she first focuses on her relationship with God.  For all you Martha 31 wannabe's out there, I highly recommend reading My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife by Sara Horn (she's the one that calls the Proverbs 31 wife Martha 31). It is a humorous and inspiring book. I've also recently purchased Just Give Me a Little Piece of Quiet by Lorilee Craker (love her last name!). I've just started reading it today and it's a book of daily devotionals (or as the sub-title says "Daily Getaways for a Mom's Soul"). It looks like it will prove to be equally inspiring.

I need to keep reminding myself that it's not the doing that makes me a great wife and mom but the being - being in relationship with God and being willing to take time for myself to recharge. :) Here's to the start of a 'new' life as wife and mom.

I'll keep you updated. :)

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