Saturday 3 October 2015

Capture Me (Write 31 Days - Day 3)

We're on Day 3 of Write 31 Days ... and I almost forgot! Yikes! :) It was a busy day though and ended with the baby not wanting to sleep, the middle child wanting to go to sleep early and the older just going about things normally - after an enjoyable wiener roast with some friends. :) SO glad that we still have nice weather for wiener roasts (even if it requires bundling up in warm clothes)!  But after our friends left and kids were in bed (or getting read for bed) and I took a shower to rid myself of that smokey smell, I felt like I'd forgotten something important today. And then it hit me - it's October! It's writing challenge time!

Today's word is capture. Again, the rules for this specific challenge within a challenge (5 Minute Free Writes) are that I write in only 5 minutes and I do not make any editing to my writing. Just free writing, let it come however it comes. :)  So here you go:


Capture me;
capture my memory.
But …
it fades away over time
a glimmer of light
a taste
a scent
a sound

just beyond my grasp

until … 
that scent returns
or the sound is heard
or the taste is experienced anew

and it floods back
filling me
filling my memory.

It captures me.


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